(Photo non contractuelle)
3,50 € 2,80 €

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Le Dentifrice SUPERWHITE ORIGINAL à prix discount dans votre parapharmacie en ligne pas chère, le dentifrice à action globale qui agit sur la blancheur, la plaque dentaire et la fraîcheur.
Le Dentifrice SUPERWHITE ORIGINAL assure une action complète : il permet de lutter contre la plaque dentaire, prévient la formation des caries, assure un effet blanchissant et rafraîchit l’haleine. Sa formule associe du bicarbonate de sodium capable d’éliminer les taches, la plaque dentaire et les résidus alimentaires, du fluor protecteur et du menthol rafraîchissant. Convient aux fumeurs et buveurs de café.
Aqua, Sodium Bicarbonate, Hydrated Silica, Xylitol, Propylene Glycol, Glycerin, Sorbitol, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Aroma, Cellulose Gum, Sodium Monofluorophosphate, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Saccharin, Menthol, Sodium Fluoride, Sodium benzoate.
Brossage des dents idéalement 2 à 3 minutes après chaque repas de façon quotidienne. Enfant dès 6 ans : brossage sous la surveillance d’un adulte, utiliser une quantité de dentifrice de la taille d’un petit pois pour en minimiser l’ingestion
Bestsellers SUPERWHITE

Avis clients

Pascal O published on 16/01/2023 following an order from 09/01/2023
Martine C published on 16/01/2023 following an order from 08/01/2023
Valeur sûre
Annie D published on 12/01/2023 following an order from 02/01/2023
Très bon produit
Karen F published on 11/01/2023 following an order from 05/01/2023
Pas encore utilisé ceux là mais bon es pipettes dans l'ensemble
Delphine M published on 07/01/2023 following an order from 30/12/2022
Conforme à mon attente Prix très attractif
Mélanie D published on 17/12/2022 following an order from 09/12/2022
Produit qui correspond à mes attentes
Christine A published on 16/12/2022 following an order from 30/11/2022
Très bon produit ainsi que le prix
Marielle B published on 14/12/2022 following an order from 30/11/2022
Bruno T published on 08/12/2022 following an order from 25/11/2022
Produit utilisé depuis plusieurs années
Steve P published on 22/11/2022 following an order from 14/11/2022
très bien
Xavier D published on 22/11/2022 following an order from 12/11/2022
Pas possible de répondre je viens de le recevoir
Christophe C published on 20/11/2022 following an order from 12/11/2022
Un grand classique toujours efficace.
Olivier L published on 16/11/2022 following an order from 07/11/2022
Bon produit
Sabine C published on 15/11/2022 following an order from 09/11/2022
Très bon rapport qualité/prix
Cathy C published on 15/11/2022 following an order from 09/11/2022
Bon produit
Eric R published on 10/11/2022 following an order from 27/10/2022
Produit efficace
Sylvianne D published on 07/11/2022 following an order from 31/10/2022
Très bon produit
Christelle F published on 07/11/2022 following an order from 22/10/2022
Produit conforme à la commande
Lilian D published on 26/10/2022 following an order from 10/10/2022
Classique et trés connu
Arnaud R published on 25/10/2022 following an order from 11/10/2022
Marielle A published on 22/10/2022 following an order from 06/10/2022
Produit connu, sans surprise.
François F published on 21/10/2022 following an order from 13/10/2022
Produit efficace sur les tiques
Monique M published on 16/10/2022 following an order from 02/10/2022
très bon produit
Anonymous C published on 13/10/2022 following an order from 29/09/2022
Efficacité à évaluer, mais à priori ce produit semble efficace en préventif.
Carine M published on 12/10/2022 following an order from 26/09/2022
Très bien
Christine C published on 26/09/2022 following an order from 19/09/2022
protège efficacement l'intérieur
Delphine L published on 18/09/2022 following an order from 02/09/2022
Produit efficace que j'achète régulièrement
Mary M published on 13/09/2022 following an order from 02/09/2022
Excellent rapport qualité /prix. Date validité longue 👍.
Myriam P published on 12/09/2022 following an order from 06/09/2022
Bon rapport qualité /prix
Nathalie D published on 05/09/2022 following an order from 23/08/2022
Efficace, une petite irritation à déploré au niveau de l'endroit de l'application
Stephane D published on 04/09/2022 following an order from 28/08/2022
Bon produit, efficace
Oihaba G published on 02/09/2022 following an order from 18/08/2022
Christine P published on 28/08/2022 following an order from 23/08/2022
Très bon produit. Ça tue bien les lentes et les puces.
Cécilia B published on 25/08/2022 following an order from 17/08/2022
J'utilise ce produit depuis longtemps, jamais eu de problème.. sauf une réaction "allergique" sur un jeune chat une fois.
Mélissa C published on 11/08/2022 following an order from 26/07/2022
Pipette facile d utilisation
Alain C published on 06/08/2022 following an order from 30/07/2022
rien de particulier
Patrick G published on 03/08/2022 following an order from 28/07/2022
produit efficace
Séverine N published on 18/07/2022 following an order from 12/07/2022
Parfait pour les 2 chats à un prix défiant toute concurrence !
Alla B published on 17/07/2022 following an order from 02/07/2022
Philippe M published on 07/07/2022 following an order from 23/06/2022
Produit habituellement commande donne satisfaction
Bertrand B published on 03/07/2022 following an order from 27/06/2022
Sylvie M published on 12/06/2022 following an order from 25/05/2022
Je n'ai pas encore traité mes chats mais je connais parfaitement le produit. Il est très bien.
Frédéric L published on 07/06/2022 following an order from 01/06/2022
Eddie G published on 07/06/2022 following an order from 31/05/2022
Sans être expert semble convenir.
Philippe P published on 06/06/2022 following an order from 25/05/2022
Produit connu et efficace
Laurent P published on 06/06/2022 following an order from 31/05/2022
Nicole R published on 02/06/2022 following an order from 17/05/2022
Produit efficace Pour le moment aucun souci
Eric D published on 01/06/2022 following an order from 09/05/2022
Marie-isabelle D published on 29/05/2022 following an order from 13/05/2022
DLU correcte
David R published on 28/05/2022 following an order from 20/05/2022
Produit est bon
Anne-sylvie A published on 26/05/2022 following an order from 12/05/2022
Habituellement efficace mais les tiques y sont habitués !
Christine M published on 24/05/2022 following an order from 10/05/2022
Fabienne M published on 18/05/2022 following an order from 03/05/2022
…très bien
Catherine M published on 17/05/2022 following an order from 09/05/2022
très bon rapport qualité/prix!
Christine P published on 08/05/2022 following an order from 23/04/2022
Bon produit
Louise M published on 07/05/2022 following an order from 27/04/2022
Catherine G published on 03/05/2022 following an order from 26/04/2022
produit efficace prix imbattable
Stephane D published on 02/05/2022 following an order from 24/04/2022
Produit efficace
Ervan C published on 30/04/2022 following an order from 25/04/2022
Bon produit
Rachel C published on 30/04/2022 following an order from 22/04/2022
Efficacité : très bien
Annick C published on 02/03/2022 following an order from 22/02/2022
Produit que j'utilise depuis longtemps.
Ivan S published on 22/02/2022 following an order from 16/02/2022
Très bon produit
Marie-noelle G published on 16/02/2022 following an order from 07/02/2022
Pas très cher, bon produit.
Perrando S published on 14/02/2022 following an order from 29/01/2022
Prodotto valido
Myriam M published on 10/02/2022 following an order from 03/02/2022
Prix défiant toute concurrence !
Josiane B published on 05/02/2022 following an order from 28/01/2022
Très bon produit
Annecy F published on 02/02/2022 following an order from 25/01/2022
Très bon produit efficace
Sylvianne D published on 25/01/2022 following an order from 10/01/2022
Bon produit
Catherine L published on 25/01/2022 following an order from 06/01/2022
Très bon produit
Fabien P published on 16/01/2022 following an order from 08/01/2022
très bon produit je recommande pour la tranquillité de nos petit bête
Hervé C published on 12/01/2022 following an order from 29/12/2021
fonctionne bien
Martial T published on 02/01/2022 following an order from 20/12/2021
Murielle C published on 20/12/2021 following an order from 05/12/2021
Bien, on verra l'efficacité avec le temps...
Christian L published on 18/12/2021 following an order from 11/12/2021
rapport qualité / prix compétitif
Serge B published on 18/12/2021 following an order from 10/12/2021
Isabelle M published on 09/12/2021 following an order from 30/11/2021
Celine B published on 09/12/2021 following an order from 26/11/2021
très satisfaite, produit conforme à mes attentes
Claire S published on 08/12/2021 following an order from 01/12/2021
Un produit qui a fait ses preuves
Gil G published on 26/11/2021 following an order from 04/11/2021
c est le produit qui convient le mieux pour mon chat
Patricia M published on 22/11/2021 following an order from 16/11/2021
Très bon produit je recommande
Philippe M published on 21/11/2021 following an order from 13/11/2021
Produit acheté habituellement,fait le travail
Michelle D published on 17/11/2021 following an order from 10/11/2021
Prix intéressant pour moi qui m'occupe de plusieurs chats.
Evelyne F published on 09/11/2021 following an order from 03/11/2021
Très bon rapport qualité prix
David G published on 07/11/2021 following an order from 24/10/2021
Anne T published on 07/11/2021 following an order from 23/10/2021
Produit efficace.
Georges B published on 03/11/2021 following an order from 29/10/2021
déja utilisé, bon produit efficace.
Noémy M published on 31/10/2021 following an order from 17/10/2021
Après 3 jours mon chat à toujours des puces
Christine C published on 27/10/2021 following an order from 21/10/2021
produit déjà connu
Jean P published on 26/10/2021 following an order from 12/10/2021
bon produit
Dany G published on 25/10/2021 following an order from 18/10/2021
Jean jacques B published on 24/10/2021 following an order from 17/10/2021
bon produit
Eric L published on 24/10/2021 following an order from 17/10/2021
Très bien
Sophie G published on 20/10/2021 following an order from 14/10/2021
Moins cher qu’ailleurs
Yamina T published on 18/10/2021 following an order from 01/10/2021
Très très bien.
Karine Z published on 18/10/2021 following an order from 12/10/2021
Produit acheté régulièrement. Rien à redire.
Carole P published on 17/10/2021 following an order from 09/10/2021
Bon produit
Séverine N published on 17/10/2021 following an order from 11/10/2021
Radical pour éradiquer les puces sur mes chats!
Isabelle D published on 12/10/2021 following an order from 06/10/2021
Super !
Gabriel M published on 05/10/2021 following an order from 29/09/2021
un peu trop cher, surtout qu'il doit être utilisé tous les mois(j'ai trois chats)
Amandine T published on 04/10/2021 following an order from 28/09/2021
Produit super efficace qui n’irrite pas mon chat pourtant sensible vendu à un prix imbattable
Patrick H published on 04/10/2021 following an order from 24/09/2021
trés bien
Jean L published on 29/09/2021 following an order from 22/09/2021
Ludovic P published on 27/09/2021 following an order from 14/09/2021
Commande conforme, efficace.
Marie-claire M published on 26/09/2021 following an order from 10/09/2021
C'EST un excellent produit, le meilleur ,sur le marché pour moi,
Sally E published on 23/09/2021 following an order from 14/09/2021
bon produit
Dominique E published on 22/09/2021 following an order from 15/09/2021
Prix très raisonnable et date de péremption assez longue
Daniel L published on 21/09/2021 following an order from 14/09/2021
Tres efficace
Larbi L published on 15/09/2021 following an order from 09/09/2021
Fonctionne très bien après une infestation de puces
Stefania K published on 15/09/2021 following an order from 29/08/2021
Tout ok. Merci.
Didier L published on 14/09/2021 following an order from 08/09/2021
David R published on 13/09/2021 following an order from 07/09/2021
Bon produit
Alexis C published on 11/09/2021 following an order from 03/09/2021
Catherine M published on 11/09/2021 following an order from 03/09/2021
Tout est dit!
Manon P published on 08/09/2021 following an order from 25/08/2021
Jean-claude F published on 06/09/2021 following an order from 29/08/2021
très bon rapport qualité prix
Francoise M published on 28/08/2021 following an order from 20/08/2021
Efficace !
Marie C published on 22/08/2021 following an order from 06/08/2021
Très on produit
Martin L published on 18/08/2021 following an order from 10/08/2021
Je n'utilise que ce produit pour traiter mes chats contre les parasites
Stephanie C published on 18/08/2021 following an order from 10/08/2021
J'utilise ce produit depuis plus de 10 ans, mon chat n'aime pas trop durant quelques minutes mais après tout va bien
Michou R published on 11/08/2021 following an order from 05/08/2021
Ludovic V published on 09/08/2021 following an order from 01/08/2021
Correspondant à ma commande
Francois G published on 06/08/2021 following an order from 23/07/2021
DLC valable
Anonymous A published on 23/07/2021 following an order from 12/07/2021
Le seul qui fonctionne pour mes chats.
Anonymous A published on 12/07/2021 following an order from 25/06/2021
Anonymous A published on 09/07/2021 following an order from 01/07/2021
Je prends tout le temps ce produit et j'en suis très satisfaite
Anonymous A published on 05/07/2021 following an order from 29/06/2021
Exactement ce que je voulais
Anonymous A published on 25/06/2021 following an order from 16/06/2021
Fidèle à ce produit depuis de longues années mais pas adapté à tous les chats. J’en ai 2 sur 6 chars ou ce produit n’est pas efficace
Anonymous A published on 15/06/2021 following an order from 08/06/2021
Pour l'instant très efficace sur mes 8 chats qui vivent en campagne
Anonymous A published on 07/06/2021 following an order from 31/05/2021
Produit efficace et pas cher
Anonymous A published on 07/06/2021 following an order from 29/05/2021
Très bon produit
Anonymous A published on 07/06/2021 following an order from 29/05/2021
Très bien je connaissais le produit
Anonymous A published on 06/06/2021 following an order from 30/05/2021
Ça onforme
Anonymous A published on 05/06/2021 following an order from 27/05/2021
très bien
Anonymous A published on 02/06/2021 following an order from 26/05/2021
Prix du produit très intéressant.
Anonymous A published on 27/05/2021 following an order from 17/05/2021
tres bien pour puces et tiques
Anonymous A published on 24/05/2021 following an order from 15/05/2021
Commande faite en mai 2021, date de péremption décembre 2023, c'est idéal et permet de commander en plus grande quantité.
Anonymous A published on 23/05/2021 following an order from 06/05/2021
Marque que j’achète depuis des années.
Anonymous A published on 16/05/2021 following an order from 07/05/2021
efficace contre tiques et puces et évite la prolifération
Anonymous A published on 10/05/2021 following an order from 24/04/2021
Pipettes adaptées à mon chat
Anonymous A published on 05/05/2021 following an order from 21/04/2021
Très bon
Anonymous A published on 05/05/2021 following an order from 27/04/2021
Anonymous A published on 03/05/2021 following an order from 25/04/2021
Anonymous A published on 02/05/2021 following an order from 17/04/2021
Anonymous A published on 29/04/2021 following an order from 19/04/2021
Anonymous A published on 29/04/2021 following an order from 14/04/2021
My cat loves it.
Anonymous A published on 25/04/2021 following an order from 18/04/2021
Un produit efficase
Anonymous A published on 21/04/2021 following an order from 15/04/2021
Pas encore testé
Anonymous A published on 20/04/2021 following an order from 14/04/2021
Produit nickel
Anonymous A published on 20/04/2021 following an order from 13/04/2021
Anonymous A published on 20/04/2021 following an order from 04/04/2021
Anonymous A published on 19/04/2021 following an order from 10/04/2021
correspond à mes attentes et très bon rapport qualité prix
Anonymous A published on 17/04/2021 following an order from 08/04/2021
Anonymous A published on 13/04/2021 following an order from 05/04/2021
bon produit, facile d emploi et d un prix tres abordable
Anonymous A published on 05/04/2021 following an order from 22/03/2021
Anonymous A published on 04/04/2021 following an order from 29/03/2021
Anonymous A published on 04/04/2021 following an order from 29/03/2021
Parfait et efficace
Anonymous A published on 03/04/2021 following an order from 26/03/2021
Super merci
Anonymous A published on 30/03/2021 following an order from 24/03/2021
Entre 10 et 15€ de différence avec la Belgique !! Qui dit mieux !! Vous êtes les moins chers en France aussi.
Anonymous A published on 29/03/2021 following an order from 20/03/2021
je recommande site sérieux
Anonymous A published on 23/03/2021 following an order from 15/03/2021
Anonymous A published on 22/03/2021 following an order from 12/03/2021
10 sur 10
Anonymous A published on 20/03/2021 following an order from 12/03/2021
très bien,je recommande
Anonymous A published on 18/03/2021 following an order from 11/03/2021
Très bon produit
Anonymous A published on 17/03/2021 following an order from 07/03/2021
Non livré pas remboursé
Anonymous A published on 14/03/2021 following an order from 06/03/2021
Anonymous A published on 13/03/2021 following an order from 05/03/2021
Pour l'instant je n'est pas vu les résultats
Anonymous A published on 08/03/2021 following an order from 02/03/2021
Anonymous A published on 07/03/2021 following an order from 27/02/2021
Anonymous A published on 27/02/2021 following an order from 19/02/2021
Produit conforme à la description et moins cher qu'en pharmacie
Anonymous A published on 20/02/2021 following an order from 06/02/2021
J'utilise depuis des années. Satisfait car efficace et sans effets secondaires sur ma minette
Anonymous A published on 20/02/2021 following an order from 13/02/2021
Bon produit pour mes chats
Anonymous A published on 11/02/2021 following an order from 05/12/2020
Très valable mais pas parfait. Mieux que beaucoup d'autres. Qualité/Prix
Anonymous A published on 11/02/2021 following an order from 21/01/2021
J'utilise ce produit depuis plusieurs années toujours autant satisfaite.Produit complet. Je recommande!
Anonymous A published on 24/01/2021 following an order from 16/01/2021
Bon produit très chère. Je comprend mieux les gens qui on du mal à soigner leur compagnon.
Anonymous A published on 18/01/2021 following an order from 12/01/2021
Produit efficace et très bon rapport/qualité/prix, je rachèterai
Anonymous A published on 15/01/2021 following an order from 06/01/2021
Produit utilisé depuis 4 ans sur mes 2 chats. Jamais déçue.
Anonymous A published on 12/01/2021 following an order from 04/01/2021
Très bien
Anonymous A published on 05/01/2021 following an order from 29/12/2020
Je n'utilise que ce produit tres efficace pour le traitement de l animal et de l'environnement et bien supporté par mes chats.
Anonymous A published on 28/12/2020 following an order from 22/12/2020
Je l 'utilise depuis longtemps Très efficace et moins cher qu'au vétérinaire
Anonymous A published on 18/12/2020 following an order from 10/12/2020
meilleur rapport qualité-prix que j'ai trouvé, bien utile, vu le nombre de chats que j'ai
Anonymous A published on 13/12/2020 following an order from 06/12/2020
meilleur prix du net !
Anonymous A published on 13/12/2020 following an order from 04/12/2020
bon rapport qualité prix
Anonymous A published on 28/11/2020 following an order from 20/11/2020
Très efficace et facile à administrer
Anonymous A published on 23/11/2020 following an order from 17/11/2020
Attente satisfaite
Anonymous A published on 23/11/2020 following an order from 16/11/2020
Très efficace
Anonymous A published on 18/11/2020 following an order from 12/11/2020
produit conforme livré rapidement, l'ensemble est donc excellent.
Anonymous A published on 15/11/2020 following an order from 09/11/2020
Très bon produit et efficace. Je connaissais déjà
Anonymous A published on 14/11/2020 following an order from 08/11/2020
Produit très bon
Anonymous A published on 10/11/2020 following an order from 04/11/2020
protège mes chats.
Anonymous A published on 01/11/2020 following an order from 23/10/2020
Sérieux, rapide, merci
Anonymous A published on 31/10/2020 following an order from 24/10/2020
Produit correspondant à mes attentes.
Anonymous A published on 29/10/2020 following an order from 22/10/2020
produit utilisé depuis plusieurs années sans problème
Anonymous A published on 20/10/2020 following an order from 14/10/2020
Très bon produit
Anonymous A published on 19/10/2020 following an order from 13/10/2020
Bon produit
Anonymous A published on 17/10/2020 following an order from 10/10/2020
pipettes pratiques et efficaces pour nos chats
Anonymous A published on 15/10/2020 following an order from 06/10/2020
A voir si elles font ce qui indique
Anonymous A published on 15/10/2020 following an order from 08/10/2020
Anonymous A published on 15/10/2020 following an order from 06/10/2020
Anonymous A published on 14/10/2020 following an order from 23/09/2020
Très bon produit très efficace je recommande
Anonymous A published on 06/10/2020 following an order from 01/10/2020
Anonymous A published on 05/10/2020 following an order from 29/09/2020
Jusqu'à présent, toujours satisfaite de l'efficacité.
Anonymous A published on 01/10/2020 following an order from 24/09/2020
J’utilise ce produit depuis des années , le meilleur rapport qualité prix
Anonymous A published on 24/08/2020 following an order from 17/08/2020
efficace et facile à mettre à mes 2 chats d'extérieur
Anonymous A published on 17/08/2020 following an order from 09/08/2020
Très efficace et mes chats supportent bien ce produit.
Anonymous A published on 17/08/2020 following an order from 11/08/2020
Produit efficace.
Anonymous A published on 12/08/2020 following an order from 06/08/2020
Conforme à ma commande
Anonymous A published on 27/07/2020 following an order from 17/07/2020
Excellent rapport qualité/ prix
Anonymous A published on 27/07/2020 following an order from 20/07/2020
Bon produit prix compétitif
Anonymous A published on 18/07/2020 following an order from 10/07/2020
Viens juste d essayer
Anonymous A published on 09/07/2020 following an order from 25/06/2020
conforme à la commande
Anonymous A published on 23/06/2020 following an order from 17/06/2020
Efficace, je l'utilise depuis 8 ans sur mes 2 chats, sans problème
Anonymous A published on 20/06/2020 following an order from 14/06/2020
Produit conforme
Anonymous A published on 17/06/2020 following an order from 12/06/2020
mon chat l'utilise depuis des années , indispensable prix intéressant chez parapharmashopdiscount
Anonymous A published on 09/06/2020 following an order from 01/06/2020
Anonymous A published on 31/05/2020 following an order from 22/05/2020
Très bon produit recommandé par mon vétérinaire
Anonymous A published on 30/05/2020 following an order from 20/05/2020
Produit sur et fiable.
Anonymous A published on 25/05/2020 following an order from 16/05/2020
Correspond à ma commande
Anonymous A published on 24/05/2020 following an order from 15/05/2020
Moins cher que chez le vétérinaire
Anonymous A published on 23/05/2020 following an order from 13/05/2020
Très bien.
Anonymous A published on 17/05/2020 following an order from 06/05/2020
Anonymous A published on 11/05/2020 following an order from 02/05/2020
Produit très efficace que nous employons depuis de nombreuses années.
Anonymous A published on 18/04/2020 following an order from 31/03/2020
C’est la meilleure tout simplement
Anonymous A published on 10/04/2020 following an order from 01/04/2020
Anonymous A published on 08/04/2020 following an order from 02/04/2020
Anonymous A published on 07/04/2020 following an order from 31/03/2020
Je suis contant reçu se que b avai commandé Je recommande
Anonymous A published on 06/04/2020 following an order from 28/03/2020
Anonymous A published on 04/04/2020 following an order from 19/03/2020
très bien, conforme à mes attentes, je recommande !!
Anonymous A published on 04/04/2020 following an order from 26/03/2020
conforme a ma demande
Anonymous A published on 04/04/2020 following an order from 08/03/2020
Anonymous A published on 04/04/2020 following an order from 04/03/2020
Super qualité prix
Anonymous A published on 03/04/2020 following an order from 25/02/2020
Fait le job.
Anonymous A published on 03/04/2020 following an order from 29/02/2020
Anonymous A published on 03/04/2020 following an order from 25/03/2020
Produits que j utilise depuis pls annees tjs conforme aux attentes.
Anonymous A published on 03/04/2020 following an order from 14/03/2020
Bon produit
Anonymous A published on 03/04/2020 following an order from 24/03/2020
Très bon rapport qualité prix
Anonymous A published on 03/04/2020 following an order from 14/03/2020
Très bon rapport qualité-prix
Anonymous A published on 03/04/2020 following an order from 16/03/2020
en promos
Anonymous A published on 11/03/2020 following an order from 19/02/2020
Anonymous A published on 29/02/2020 following an order from 22/02/2020
Rapport qualité prix
Anonymous A published on 24/02/2020 following an order from 18/02/2020
très bien
Anonymous A published on 24/02/2020 following an order from 13/02/2020
Une boîte était ouverte dans le colis mais les pipettes étaient intactes
Anonymous A published on 20/02/2020 following an order from 13/02/2020
Anonymous A published on 19/02/2020 following an order from 13/02/2020
tres bon produit et beaucoup moins qu en pharmacie
Anonymous A published on 18/02/2020 following an order from 12/02/2020
Traitement habituel
Anonymous A published on 16/02/2020 following an order from 09/02/2020
Anonymous A published on 15/02/2020 following an order from 07/02/2020
Efficace, ça fait des années que je prends cette marque.
Anonymous A published on 12/02/2020 following an order from 02/02/2020
tout est correct.prix et livraison
Anonymous A published on 11/02/2020 following an order from 02/02/2020
Prix très intéressant. Délai de livraison rapide.
Anonymous A published on 08/02/2020 following an order from 01/02/2020
tres bien
Anonymous A published on 04/02/2020 following an order from 29/01/2020
J'utilises cet anti- puces depuis des années sur les conseils de mon vétérinaire. Il est efficace.
Anonymous A published on 04/02/2020 following an order from 29/01/2020
bon produit,application facile.
Anonymous A published on 03/02/2020 following an order from 27/01/2020
Moi personnellement j'aime bien se produit mon chat le tolère très bien .
Anonymous A published on 03/02/2020 following an order from 27/01/2020
Très bien
Anonymous A published on 02/02/2020 following an order from 27/01/2020
Très bien
Anonymous A published on 02/02/2020 following an order from 26/01/2020
Produits que j utilise depuis des annees
Anonymous A published on 01/02/2020 following an order from 25/01/2020
Anonymous A published on 27/01/2020 following an order from 21/01/2020
plus de 10 ans que j'utilise Frontline
Anonymous A published on 22/01/2020 following an order from 16/01/2020
J'achète ce produit depuis des années
Anonymous A published on 19/01/2020 following an order from 12/01/2020
Utilisé depuis des années le produit appliqué mensuellement repulse convenablement les tiques
Anonymous A published on 18/01/2020 following an order from 08/01/2020
Mes chats les supportent bien, pas d'allergies.
Anonymous A published on 18/01/2020 following an order from 10/01/2020
très bien, date de péremption éloignée comme je le souhaitais, je recommande.
Anonymous A published on 16/01/2020 following an order from 09/01/2020
efficacité et facilite d'administration
Anonymous A published on 14/01/2020 following an order from 07/01/2020
Prix très attractifs pour le Frontline Combo!
Anonymous A published on 11/01/2020 following an order from 04/01/2020
Rapide et très bien
Anonymous A published on 07/01/2020 following an order from 29/12/2019
Très rapidement reçu. Merci
Anonymous A published on 27/12/2019 following an order from 19/12/2019
très bon produit
Anonymous A published on 22/12/2019 following an order from 14/12/2019
Rien à redire
Anonymous A published on 21/12/2019 following an order from 02/12/2019
L'anti-parasitaire qui fonctionne le mieux pour mes chats. Et beaucoup moins cher sur ce site :-)
Anonymous A published on 17/12/2019 following an order from 09/12/2019
Anonymous A published on 08/12/2019 following an order from 02/12/2019
Bon produit utilisé depuis plusieurs années
Anonymous A published on 04/12/2019 following an order from 28/11/2019
produit efficace !
Anonymous A published on 20/11/2019 following an order from 14/11/2019
On verra à l'usage !
Anonymous A published on 13/11/2019 following an order from 31/10/2019
mon chat supporte tres bien ce produit
Anonymous A published on 03/11/2019 following an order from 28/10/2019
Le prix proposé par pharmashop est très intéressant
Anonymous A published on 30/10/2019 following an order from 24/10/2019
produit efficace utilisé depuis plusieurs années
Anonymous A published on 27/10/2019 following an order from 20/10/2019
Pdt conforme
Anonymous A published on 14/10/2019 following an order from 05/10/2019
Pharmashop a recommandée c'est la première fois que je commande sur ce site merci
Anonymous A published on 14/10/2019 following an order from 08/10/2019
Prix proposé intéressant. Concernant le produit lui-même, je ne suis pas compétent pour l'évaluer.
Anonymous A published on 10/10/2019 following an order from 18/09/2019
Rapport qualité/prix imbattable.
Anonymous A published on 06/10/2019 following an order from 28/09/2019
On les utilise depuis longtemps pour notre chat et nous en sommes très satisfaits. Nous habitons pourtant la campagne.
Anonymous A published on 05/10/2019 following an order from 28/09/2019
Produit identique à la commande
Anonymous A published on 30/09/2019 following an order from 09/09/2019
Anonymous A published on 24/09/2019 following an order from 18/09/2019
Pas cher comparer au autres vendeurs
Anonymous A published on 23/09/2019 following an order from 14/09/2019
Les puces de mes chats ne l'aiment pas du tout !
Anonymous A published on 10/09/2019 following an order from 02/09/2019
Oui le prix était moins cher lorsque j'ai acheté sur un autre site donc je suis satisfaite et je continuerai à acheter chez vous
Anonymous A published on 31/08/2019 following an order from 25/08/2019
Comme d'habitude, frontlinecombo tujours efficace.
Anonymous A published on 08/08/2019 following an order from 31/07/2019
produit efficace
Anonymous A published on 07/08/2019 following an order from 01/08/2019
La réputation n'est plus à faire
Anonymous A published on 06/08/2019 following an order from 31/07/2019
produit efficace
Anonymous A published on 06/08/2019 following an order from 31/07/2019
Bon produit
Anonymous A published on 05/08/2019 following an order from 30/07/2019
Le paquet à l’intérieur de la boîte était ouvert (inutile donc de prétexter un problème de transport car le colis était en parfait état!). Une pipette était vide et une personne à essayé d’en ajouter une pour la remplacer, mais l’a fait de façon tellement soigneuse que la pipette surnuméraire est littéralement éventrée et bien sûr vide! Cette attitude est juste inadmissible! L’on n’envoie pas de produit abîmé à ses clients lorsqu’on est une entreprise sérieuse!!!
Anonymous A published on 28/07/2019 following an order from 30/06/2019
Anonymous A published on 28/07/2019 following an order from 22/07/2019
très actif pour les puces et prix très compétitif
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2019 following an order from 18/07/2019
C'est un produit que j'utilise depuis plusieurs années. Pour l'instant, les chats le supportent bien. J'ai 30 chats.
Anonymous A published on 25/07/2019 following an order from 17/07/2019
Anonymous A published on 24/07/2019 following an order from 18/07/2019
Très bon produit.
Anonymous A published on 23/07/2019 following an order from 14/07/2019
Produit efficace que nous utilisons depuis maintenant plusieurs années sans souci.
Anonymous A published on 03/07/2019 following an order from 26/06/2019
très bon produit
Anonymous A published on 08/06/2019 following an order from 01/06/2019
Incontournable pour les chats qui vont à l'extérieur ...
Anonymous A published on 05/06/2019 following an order from 27/05/2019
Anonymous A published on 01/06/2019 following an order from 25/05/2019
Pratique pour mon chat, pour éviter d'avoir des puces et des tiques à la maison.
Anonymous A published on 27/05/2019 following an order from 20/05/2019
Produit efficace et prix intéressant
Anonymous A published on 19/05/2019 following an order from 10/05/2019
Produit moins cher actuellement sur ce site ; donc je profite pour commander ces pipettes pour mes 2 adorables compagnons (chats)
Anonymous A published on 16/05/2019 following an order from 09/05/2019
Efficace je l utilisé depuis des années
Anonymous A published on 11/05/2019 following an order from 04/05/2019
Efficace permet la limitation de la prolifération des puces
Anonymous A published on 11/05/2019 following an order from 03/05/2019
conforme à mes attentes
Anonymous A published on 30/04/2019 following an order from 06/04/2019
Bon produit , efficace .
Anonymous A published on 29/04/2019 following an order from 20/04/2019
A voir dans le temps
Anonymous A published on 24/04/2019 following an order from 18/04/2019
produit utilisé depuis des années
Anonymous A published on 20/04/2019 following an order from 14/04/2019
bon produit
Anonymous A published on 20/04/2019 following an order from 13/04/2019
Date de péremption du produit suffisamment longue. Parfait.
Anonymous A published on 15/04/2019 following an order from 08/04/2019
Anonymous A published on 01/04/2019 following an order from 26/03/2019
Anonymous A published on 26/03/2019 following an order from 20/03/2019
Pratique et efficace.
Anonymous A published on 25/03/2019 following an order from 11/03/2019
très bien
Anonymous A published on 23/03/2019 following an order from 15/03/2019
Anonymous A published on 17/03/2019 following an order from 11/03/2019
Produit en ordre
Anonymous A published on 13/03/2019 following an order from 06/03/2019
produit classique
Anonymous A published on 12/03/2019 following an order from 05/03/2019
Anonymous A published on 11/03/2019 following an order from 03/03/2019
Je l'utilise régulièrement
Anonymous A published on 10/03/2019 following an order from 03/03/2019
Très bien. satisfait
Anonymous A published on 07/03/2019 following an order from 27/02/2019
Produit qui convient parfaitement à mes chats. Efficace pour les puces. Je l'utilise depuis plusieurs années
Anonymous A published on 04/03/2019 following an order from 25/02/2019
Encore trop cher
Anonymous A published on 27/02/2019 following an order from 19/02/2019
le produit est très bien, mais reste un peu cher malgré le prix intéressant sur votre site
Anonymous A published on 26/02/2019 following an order from 19/02/2019
Anonymous A published on 25/02/2019 following an order from 16/02/2019
Anonymous A published on 20/02/2019 following an order from 11/02/2019
Anonymous A published on 20/02/2019 following an order from 11/02/2019
je ne sais pas j'ai commandé "frontline combo chat"et non "frontline combo spot on chat et furet" ??........
Anonymous A published on 20/02/2019 following an order from 12/02/2019
Pour moi j’ai fait une économie de plus de 200.—€ par rapport a ou je les commandais avant
Anonymous A published on 19/02/2019 following an order from 12/02/2019
Anonymous A published on 18/02/2019 following an order from 08/02/2019
Bon produit
Anonymous A published on 18/02/2019 following an order from 11/02/2019
Très bon
Anonymous A published on 09/02/2019 following an order from 02/02/2019
très bon produit mon chat le supporte très bien
Anonymous A published on 05/02/2019 following an order from 30/01/2019
prix très bien
Anonymous A published on 19/01/2019 following an order from 11/01/2019
Très bon produit que j'utilise depuis des années pour mon chat
Anonymous A published on 14/01/2019 following an order from 29/11/2018
Anonymous A published on 13/01/2019 following an order from 02/01/2019
Produit incontournable (j'ai 17 minous à la maison!)
Anonymous A published on 13/01/2019 following an order from 04/01/2019
Correspond à mes attentes.
Anonymous A published on 07/01/2019 following an order from 31/12/2018
Très bien en hiver
Anonymous A published on 01/01/2019 following an order from 22/12/2018
Produit que j'utilise depuis plusieurs années sur les conseils de mon vétérinaire . Efficace !
Anonymous A published on 10/12/2018 following an order from 04/12/2018
Toujours efficace pour mes chats
Anonymous A published on 23/10/2018 following an order from 15/10/2018
Produit utilisé depuis des années pour son efficacité
Anonymous A published on 07/10/2018 following an order from 29/09/2018
bon produit, je l'utilise depuis des années
Anonymous A published on 07/10/2018 following an order from 29/09/2018
Ce serait idéal avec un vermifuge inclus.
Anonymous A published on 04/09/2018 following an order from 25/08/2018
Très bien rien a dire
Anonymous A published on 16/08/2018 following an order from 07/08/2018
Très bon produit!
Anonymous A published on 06/08/2018 following an order from 31/07/2018
Anonymous A published on 06/08/2018 following an order from 30/07/2018
Efficace mais chimique
Anonymous A published on 04/08/2018 following an order from 29/07/2018
facile a appliquer
Anonymous A published on 04/08/2018 following an order from 29/07/2018
Bon produit
Anonymous A published on 04/08/2018 following an order from 29/07/2018
a recommander sans hésitation
Anonymous A published on 25/07/2018 following an order from 19/07/2018
Bon produit.
Anonymous A published on 25/07/2018 following an order from 19/07/2018
produit efficace contre les puces
Anonymous A published on 24/07/2018 following an order from 17/07/2018
produit efficace et pratique
Anonymous A published on 16/07/2018 following an order from 09/07/2018
Très bien. J'utilise depuis plusieurs années ce produit pour mes nombreux chats
Anonymous A published on 08/07/2018 following an order from 02/07/2018
Rapport qualité prix excellent
Anonymous A published on 08/07/2018 following an order from 30/06/2018
Plus que par 6 pipettes
Anonymous A published on 04/07/2018 following an order from 28/06/2018
Parfait pour les tiques et puces
Anonymous A published on 27/06/2018 following an order from 17/06/2018
très bien
Anonymous A published on 26/06/2018 following an order from 19/06/2018
Bon rapport qualité / prix
Anonymous A published on 18/06/2018 following an order from 06/06/2018
tres bien
Anonymous A published on 13/06/2018 following an order from 07/06/2018
Très efficace pour l’avoir expérimentée depuis plusieurs années sur mon chat
Anonymous A published on 11/06/2018 following an order from 05/06/2018
très bien
Anonymous A published on 10/06/2018 following an order from 02/06/2018
Un best seller rien a dire
Anonymous A published on 06/06/2018 following an order from 31/05/2018
Je recommande aussi bien au point de vue prix et qualité....
Anonymous A published on 02/06/2018 following an order from 27/05/2018
Anonymous A published on 30/05/2018 following an order from 19/05/2018
Prix très correct
Anonymous A published on 22/05/2018 following an order from 14/05/2018
ideal pour chats campagnards
Anonymous A published on 22/05/2018 following an order from 08/05/2018
Anonymous A published on 15/04/2018 following an order from 06/04/2018
Très bien
Anonymous A published on 12/04/2018 following an order from 06/04/2018
Vient à bout des puces et des tiques et permet surtout de les éloigner de la maison
Anonymous A published on 11/04/2018 following an order from 04/04/2018
Anonymous A published on 10/04/2018 following an order from 03/04/2018
Parfait, Si cela pouvait exister en comprimé ce serait mieux pour ma chatte qui n'apprécie aucun liquide sur sa peau,
Anonymous A published on 10/04/2018 following an order from 03/04/2018
anti-puces chat pratique et efficace
Anonymous A published on 09/04/2018 following an order from 02/04/2018
Très bon produit
Anonymous A published on 09/04/2018 following an order from 31/03/2018
je connaissais déjà ce produit l'employant très régulièrement
Anonymous A published on 28/03/2018 following an order from 21/03/2018
Bon produit antiparasitaire pour chat
Anonymous A published on 28/03/2018 following an order from 21/03/2018
Très bon produit que j'utilise régulièrement pour mon chat. Prix très attractif
Anonymous A published on 18/03/2018 following an order from 12/03/2018
Produit ok, et voilà
Anonymous A published on 14/03/2018 following an order from 08/03/2018
Je connais depuis longtemps
Anonymous A published on 07/03/2018 following an order from 01/03/2018
Habitué à ce produit que je trouve efficace
Anonymous A published on 03/03/2018 following an order from 24/02/2018
Anonymous A published on 23/02/2018 following an order from 10/02/2018
Anonymous A published on 17/02/2018 following an order from 11/02/2018
Anonymous A published on 10/02/2018 following an order from 01/02/2018
Très bien
Anonymous A published on 10/02/2018 following an order from 03/02/2018
Très bien conditionné et rapide
Anonymous A published on 06/02/2018 following an order from 25/01/2018
Meilleurs prix qu'en pharmacies ou chez le vétérinaire!
Anonymous A published on 28/01/2018 following an order from 21/01/2018
Très bien
Anonymous A published on 24/01/2018 following an order from 17/01/2018
efficace pas trop cher
Anonymous A published on 09/01/2018 following an order from 02/01/2018
conforme à ma commande
Anonymous A published on 27/12/2017 following an order from 20/12/2017
J'ai tout essayé et c'est le plus efficace, puces et tiques.
Anonymous A published on 04/12/2017 following an order from 24/11/2017
conforme à mes attentes
Anonymous A published on 04/12/2017 following an order from 24/11/2017
Produit efficace
Anonymous A published on 02/12/2017 following an order from 26/11/2017
trés bien .
Anonymous A published on 29/11/2017 following an order from 23/11/2017
Anonymous A published on 25/11/2017 following an order from 19/11/2017
Bon produit
Anonymous A published on 21/11/2017 following an order from 12/11/2017
Tres bon rapport qualite prix
Anonymous A published on 20/11/2017 following an order from 14/11/2017
Anonymous A published on 12/11/2017 following an order from 05/11/2017
Produits conformes
Anonymous A published on 23/10/2017 following an order from 05/10/2017
Conforme à mes attentes
Anonymous A published on 21/10/2017 following an order from 15/10/2017
Très facile d’usage
Anonymous A published on 14/10/2017 following an order from 06/10/2017
Plus de moitié prix par rapport au vétérinaire. Je commenderai à nouveau
Anonymous A published on 20/09/2017 following an order from 14/09/2017
Utilisé depuis plus de dix ans. Efficace. Rien à dire.
Anonymous A published on 12/09/2017 following an order from 06/09/2017
facilité d'emploi.Et le chat "Phoebe" est aussi content
Anonymous A published on 09/09/2017 following an order from 01/09/2017
This is the very best product for protecting my cat, Samson MacGregor.
Anonymous A published on 01/09/2017 following an order from 23/08/2017
Bon produit
Anonymous A published on 26/08/2017 following an order from 18/08/2017
Correspond à la demande
Anonymous A published on 26/08/2017 following an order from 19/08/2017
Essentiel en toute saison contre les puces et les tiques pour mes chats. Prévient l'infestation et l'élimine dans le cas des puces déjà là.
Anonymous A published on 06/08/2017 following an order from 30/07/2017
Anonymous A published on 06/08/2017 following an order from 09/07/2017
Bon produit
Anonymous A published on 20/07/2017 following an order from 13/07/2017
Très bon produit, facile à appliquer et efficace
Anonymous A published on 19/07/2017 following an order from 23/06/2017
meilleur prix
Anonymous A published on 24/06/2017 following an order from 16/06/2017
Aucun problème
Anonymous A published on 19/06/2017 following an order from 13/06/2017
c'est un produit très efficace
Anonymous A published on 15/06/2017 following an order from 08/06/2017
Bien. J'ai connais bien le produit
Anonymous A published on 09/06/2017 following an order from 31/05/2017
Produit pratique
Anonymous A published on 31/05/2017 following an order from 21/05/2017
Produit très efficace, que j'utilise pour mes chats depuis plusieurs années.
Anonymous A published on 27/05/2017 following an order from 21/05/2017
produit conforme a se que j'avais prévu
Anonymous A published on 24/05/2017 following an order from 29/04/2017
très bien
Anonymous A published on 24/05/2017 following an order from 11/05/2017
Anonymous A published on 23/05/2017 following an order from 01/05/2017
prix bien moins cher par rapport à la concurence
Anonymous A published on 23/05/2017 following an order from 13/05/2017
Anonymous A published on 23/05/2017 following an order from 03/05/2017
Très bon produit. Prix très intéressant
Anonymous A published on 23/05/2017 following an order from 29/04/2017
Bon produit.
Anonymous A published on 23/05/2017 following an order from 29/03/2017
efficace et facile à administrer
Anonymous A published on 23/05/2017 following an order from 04/04/2017
Très bien
Anonymous A published on 01/04/2017 following an order from 19/03/2017
Bien, je suis content(e).
Anonymous A published on 25/03/2017 following an order from 13/03/2017
Anonymous A published on 17/03/2017 following an order from 04/03/2017
Très bon produit
Anonymous A published on 27/02/2017 following an order from 15/02/2017
j'utilise toujours ce produit
Anonymous A published on 20/02/2017 following an order from 08/02/2017
Anonymous A published on 13/02/2017 following an order from 01/02/2017
Prix très intéressant pour 6 pipettes
Anonymous A published on 23/01/2017 following an order from 09/01/2017
produit efficace
Anonymous A published on 22/01/2017 following an order from 06/01/2017
Anonymous A published on 22/01/2017 following an order from 08/01/2017
Facile à appliquer. Dommage qu il faille le faire tous les mois
Anonymous A published on 21/01/2017 following an order from 08/01/2017
Achat de ce produit depuis plusieurs annees
Anonymous A published on 18/01/2017 following an order from 05/01/2017
pas de commentaire
Anonymous A published on 17/01/2017 following an order from 05/01/2017
j'ai 2 chattes cela fait un gros budget mensuel
Anonymous A published on 10/01/2017 following an order from 29/12/2016
Conforme à mes attente
Anonymous A published on 10/01/2017 following an order from 29/12/2016
ce produit reste encore celui qui agit le mieux mais pour un chat qui va à l'extérieur, ça n'empêche tout de même pas les puces.
Anonymous A published on 03/01/2017 following an order from 21/12/2016
Anonymous A published on 29/12/2016 following an order from 15/12/2016
Produits que je connais
Anonymous A published on 28/12/2016 following an order from 13/12/2016
Vraiment moins chère
Anonymous A published on 25/12/2016 following an order from 12/12/2016
produit efficace
Anonymous A published on 24/12/2016 following an order from 11/12/2016
Ok produit efficace
Anonymous A published on 13/12/2016 following an order from 16/11/2016
Très bien, service impeccable, soigneux et attentif. Je recommande !Trés bien et rapide
Anonymous A published on 10/12/2016 following an order from 27/11/2016
Anonymous A published on 10/12/2016 following an order from 28/11/2016
Très bon produit
Anonymous A published on 06/12/2016 following an order from 24/11/2016
Anonymous A published on 03/12/2016 following an order from 19/11/2016
comme d'habitude
Anonymous A published on 02/12/2016 following an order from 17/11/2016
Anonymous A published on 27/11/2016 following an order from 04/11/2016
Produit connu!
Anonymous A published on 21/11/2016 following an order from 08/11/2016
Pas encore testé
Anonymous A published on 20/11/2016 following an order from 08/11/2016
Produit complet.
Anonymous A published on 23/10/2016 following an order from 10/10/2016
Conforme aux explications
Anonymous A published on 23/10/2016 following an order from 08/10/2016
C'est parfait.
Anonymous A published on 17/10/2016 following an order from 05/10/2016
Bonne qualité
Anonymous A published on 11/10/2016 following an order from 29/09/2016
Anonymous A published on 01/10/2016 following an order from 19/09/2016
Anonymous A published on 29/09/2016 following an order from 14/09/2016
produit de qualité
Anonymous A published on 28/09/2016 following an order from 14/09/2016
Anonymous A published on 27/09/2016 following an order from 14/09/2016
Anonymous A published on 21/09/2016 following an order from 21/08/2016
Produit déjà connu.
Anonymous A published on 20/09/2016 following an order from 08/09/2016
Seul petit hic, le prix !
Anonymous A published on 19/09/2016 following an order from 07/09/2016
Je connais très bien ces produits. Les tarifs pratiqués sur ce site font que je les achète toujours sur Pharmashopdiscount
Anonymous A published on 19/09/2016 following an order from 06/09/2016
Très efficace pour les chats.
Anonymous A published on 17/09/2016 following an order from 05/09/2016
Anonymous A published on 16/09/2016 following an order from 04/09/2016
Produit que j'utilise depuis longtemps.
Anonymous A published on 16/09/2016 following an order from 04/09/2016
Tres bon rapport qualité prix
Anonymous A published on 12/09/2016 following an order from 28/08/2016
Anonymous A published on 12/09/2016 following an order from 31/08/2016
Anonymous A published on 11/09/2016 following an order from 30/08/2016
Anonymous A published on 10/09/2016 following an order from 29/08/2016
Format économique
Anonymous A published on 08/09/2016 following an order from 10/08/2016
Anonymous A published on 30/08/2016 following an order from 18/08/2016
Anonymous A published on 29/08/2016 following an order from 17/08/2016
Anonymous A published on 28/08/2016 following an order from 16/08/2016
pas pour le moment, merci
Anonymous A published on 20/08/2016 following an order from 09/08/2016
Produit que j'utilise déjà. J'en recommenderai, ainsi que des produits se soins.
Anonymous A published on 15/08/2016 following an order from 31/07/2016
Tout à fait conforme à ce que je trouve dans ma pharmacie mais à coût moindre. Très intéressant.
Anonymous A published on 12/08/2016 following an order from 31/07/2016
Produit efficasse
Anonymous A published on 06/08/2016 following an order from 23/07/2016
très bien
Anonymous A published on 05/08/2016 following an order from 22/07/2016
Très bien, conforme à mes attentes, je recommande !
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2016 following an order from 13/07/2016
Très bien, prix convendable. Je recommande
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2016 following an order from 14/07/2016
Anonymous A published on 25/07/2016 following an order from 12/07/2016
Bonne solution pour les chats qui sortent, mais qui passent aussi du temps à la maison (surtout lorsqu'on a des enfants).
Anonymous A published on 24/07/2016 following an order from 11/07/2016
produit tres efficace
Anonymous A published on 23/07/2016 following an order from 08/07/2016
Produit pas toujours bien supporté par certains chats. Cette année les puces semblent s'en accommoder...
Anonymous A published on 19/07/2016 following an order from 07/07/2016
Produit très efficace
Anonymous A published on 18/07/2016 following an order from 05/07/2016
tres bon produit
Anonymous A published on 16/07/2016 following an order from 04/07/2016
Je l'utilise tous les mois sur mes 4 chats. J'en suis satisfaite et eux aussi.
Anonymous A published on 02/07/2016 following an order from 19/06/2016
Le moins cher
Anonymous A published on 23/06/2016 following an order from 08/06/2016
Bonne efficacité.
Anonymous A published on 18/06/2016 following an order from 04/06/2016
Anonymous A published on 18/06/2016 following an order from 06/06/2016
produit efficace sur mes 6 chats
Anonymous A published on 16/06/2016 following an order from 02/06/2016
Anonymous A published on 14/06/2016 following an order from 02/06/2016
Très bien, conforme à mes attentes, je recommande !
Anonymous A published on 14/06/2016 following an order from 02/06/2016
Anonymous A published on 12/06/2016 following an order from 31/05/2016
super produit
Anonymous A published on 12/06/2016 following an order from 15/05/2016
tres bien
Anonymous A published on 11/06/2016 following an order from 30/05/2016
Un produit d'un certain "âge" très productif et anti-puces, poux et tiques.
Anonymous A published on 05/06/2016 following an order from 23/05/2016
produit conforme
Anonymous A published on 31/05/2016 following an order from 16/05/2016
Anonymous A published on 20/05/2016 following an order from 08/05/2016
Convient à ma chatte. Le prix est correct.
Anonymous A published on 20/05/2016 following an order from 07/05/2016
prix tres interresant
Anonymous A published on 18/05/2016 following an order from 04/05/2016
bon produit
Anonymous A published on 18/05/2016 following an order from 04/05/2016
Anonymous A published on 17/05/2016 following an order from 02/05/2016
Parfait Mon veto est d'accord
Anonymous A published on 15/05/2016 following an order from 30/04/2016
tjs content de ce produit que j utilise depuis un moment sur mes chats
Anonymous A published on 14/05/2016 following an order from 01/05/2016
j'ai l'habitude de prendre ce produit pour mon chat
Anonymous A published on 11/05/2016 following an order from 28/04/2016
Bon produit
Anonymous A published on 09/05/2016 following an order from 23/04/2016
ras, très bien
Anonymous A published on 02/05/2016 following an order from 20/04/2016
Conforme à mes attentes.
Anonymous A published on 30/04/2016 following an order from 16/04/2016
Bon prix
Anonymous A published on 29/04/2016 following an order from 17/04/2016
a fait ses preuves
Anonymous A published on 26/04/2016 following an order from 13/04/2016
Anonymous A published on 24/04/2016 following an order from 12/04/2016
Excellent produit
Anonymous A published on 22/04/2016 following an order from 09/04/2016
Anonymous A published on 21/04/2016 following an order from 03/04/2016
Je suis contente
Anonymous A published on 19/04/2016 following an order from 06/04/2016
Conforme à ce que j’attendais et prix intéressant pour une asso
Anonymous A published on 16/04/2016 following an order from 04/04/2016
Très bien
Anonymous A published on 15/04/2016 following an order from 03/04/2016
Anonymous A published on 12/04/2016 following an order from 31/03/2016
Très bien
Anonymous A published on 10/04/2016 following an order from 27/03/2016
je connais le produit
Anonymous A published on 05/04/2016 following an order from 24/03/2016
Achat identique chez le vétérinaire mais beaucoup plus cher.
Anonymous A published on 04/04/2016 following an order from 23/03/2016
Indispensable à la maison
Anonymous A published on 04/04/2016 following an order from 23/03/2016
Anonymous A published on 02/04/2016 following an order from 20/03/2016
Très bien, conforme à mes attentes, je recommande !
Anonymous A published on 22/03/2016 following an order from 10/03/2016
les chats sont contents
Anonymous A published on 20/03/2016 following an order from 07/03/2016
Très bon rapport qualité prix
Anonymous A published on 18/03/2016 following an order from 06/03/2016
Anonymous A published on 14/03/2016 following an order from 02/03/2016
Très pratique et efficace
Anonymous A published on 01/03/2016 following an order from 06/01/2016
Anonymous A published on 22/02/2016 following an order from 09/02/2016
Anonymous A published on 17/02/2016 following an order from 05/02/2016
Anonymous A published on 12/02/2016 following an order from 30/01/2016
Produit conforme a la commande
Anonymous A published on 12/02/2016 following an order from 29/01/2016
Très bon produit prix intéressant.
Anonymous A published on 08/02/2016 following an order from 26/01/2016
Bon produit que l'on trouve plus cher chez les vétérinaires.
Anonymous A published on 07/02/2016 following an order from 26/01/2016
Je l'utilise depuis longtemps, parfait
Anonymous A published on 05/02/2016 following an order from 24/01/2016
Anonymous A published on 31/01/2016 following an order from 19/01/2016
Anonymous A published on 29/01/2016 following an order from 15/01/2016
très bien
Anonymous A published on 26/01/2016 following an order from 14/01/2016
Conforme à ma demande
Anonymous A published on 24/01/2016 following an order from 10/01/2016
Anonymous A published on 24/01/2016 following an order from 12/01/2016
15 jours après le traitement il reste encore des puces sur mon chat...
Anonymous A published on 23/01/2016 following an order from 09/01/2016
bon produit
Anonymous A published on 22/01/2016 following an order from 08/01/2016
les puces ont disparu, et mes chats sont plus calme, très contente du produit
Anonymous A published on 22/01/2016 following an order from 09/01/2016
Prix tres intéressant
Anonymous A published on 17/01/2016 following an order from 05/01/2016
Produit connu pour son effiacité
Anonymous A published on 16/01/2016 following an order from 03/01/2016
excellent produit pour chats
Anonymous A published on 16/01/2016 following an order from 04/01/2016
Bon produit
Anonymous A published on 15/01/2016 following an order from 01/01/2016
Article livré rapidement
Anonymous A published on 12/01/2016 following an order from 19/12/2015
Anonymous A published on 09/01/2016 following an order from 28/12/2015
Produit performant contre tiques et puces à condition de bien l'utiliser 1 x par mois de date à date !
Anonymous A published on 09/01/2016 following an order from 28/12/2015
contente j'ai 9 chats c'est un bon produit et le prix sur ce site est vraiment intéressant, je n'ai malheureusement pas trop les moyens de traiter mes animaux correctement mais là je vais pouvoir le faire vu le prix, j'ai aussi deux chiens, tous ces animaux je les ai recueillis car abandonnés et certains martysrisés
Anonymous A published on 01/01/2016 following an order from 19/12/2015
Je recommande ces produits Frontline Combo chien ou chat que je connais très bien mais conseille de fuir absolument ce distributeur.
Anonymous A published on 25/12/2015 following an order from 12/12/2015
Le principal est d'avoir reçu la commande avec ce retard qui m'a beaucoup énervé. Je tiens à m'excuser Salutations
Anonymous A published on 25/12/2015 following an order from 12/12/2015
Produit connu
Anonymous A published on 23/12/2015 following an order from 09/12/2015
Anonymous A published on 22/12/2015 following an order from 10/12/2015
très bien
Anonymous A published on 18/12/2015 following an order from 05/12/2015
Anonymous A published on 15/12/2015 following an order from 03/12/2015
Produit efficace. Je mets une pipette tous les mois en entretien à mes 4 chats. Très satisfaite du produit
Anonymous A published on 12/12/2015 following an order from 30/11/2015
le produit est conforme à mon attente
Anonymous A published on 07/12/2015 following an order from 24/11/2015
byby les puces
Anonymous A published on 29/11/2015 following an order from 17/11/2015
C'est un produit très efficace contre les parasites du chat
Anonymous A published on 29/11/2015 following an order from 17/11/2015
Anonymous A published on 28/11/2015 following an order from 16/11/2015
très bien
Anonymous A published on 17/11/2015 following an order from 04/11/2015
Anonymous A published on 16/11/2015 following an order from 02/11/2015
pas tres efficace comme produit , dommage
Anonymous A published on 31/10/2015 following an order from 18/10/2015
Anonymous A published on 26/10/2015 following an order from 13/10/2015
pas de souci, tout était parfait
Anonymous A published on 25/10/2015 following an order from 12/10/2015
C'est un produit que je connais et que j'utilise depuis longtemps
Anonymous A published on 23/10/2015 following an order from 10/10/2015
Anonymous A published on 17/10/2015 following an order from 03/10/2015
J'utilise frontline combo tous les mois pour mes 4 chats. Ils n'ont plus du tout de puces. C'est un confort pour eux ainsi que pour nous.
Anonymous A published on 16/10/2015 following an order from 03/10/2015
produit efficace.
Anonymous A published on 15/10/2015 following an order from 02/10/2015
Anonymous A published on 14/10/2015 following an order from 02/10/2015
conforme à mes attentes
Anonymous A published on 10/10/2015 following an order from 28/09/2015
Même avis. A noter que cet article est moins cher sur un autre site...
Anonymous A published on 09/10/2015 following an order from 26/09/2015
Bon produit et facile d'utilisation.
Anonymous A published on 05/10/2015 following an order from 23/09/2015
Produit non reçu. Refus de remboursement de la part de Pharmashopdiscount.
Anonymous A published on 28/09/2015 following an order from 15/09/2015
Anonymous A published on 26/09/2015 following an order from 14/09/2015
Très bien, conforme à mes attentes, je recommande !
Anonymous A published on 22/09/2015 following an order from 10/09/2015
tres bon produit mais trop cher
Anonymous A published on 22/09/2015 following an order from 10/09/2015
Très bien
Anonymous A published on 21/09/2015 following an order from 08/09/2015
je connais déjà ce produit, je l'ai toujours pris chez mon véto, mais vous êtes bien moins cher
Anonymous A published on 13/09/2015 following an order from 01/09/2015
Bon produit
Anonymous A published on 29/08/2015 following an order from 17/08/2015
Bien, reste cher
Anonymous A published on 25/08/2015 following an order from 13/08/2015
Bon produit que j'utilise régulièrement pour mes 3 chats.
Anonymous A published on 24/08/2015 following an order from 12/08/2015
tres bon produit qui marche tres sur mes chats
Anonymous A published on 23/08/2015 following an order from 10/08/2015
Je connais ce produit il est complet et facile d utilisztion
Anonymous A published on 22/08/2015 following an order from 10/08/2015
j'ai économisé 16€ par rapport à l achat chez le vétérinaire çà laisse perplex
Anonymous A published on 19/08/2015 following an order from 07/08/2015
ctres bien
Anonymous A published on 16/08/2015 following an order from 04/08/2015
Anonymous A published on 14/08/2015 following an order from 02/08/2015
Conseillé par le vétérinaire mais moins cher en ligne que chez lui. Plus de problème de puce sur nos 3 chats à raison d'une pipette le premier de chaque mois. Bien plus facile à donner que des comprimés pour les chats récalcitrants.
Anonymous A published on 11/08/2015 following an order from 30/07/2015
Le produit ét pas cher et très efficace pour les chats
Anonymous A published on 08/08/2015 following an order from 27/07/2015
Anonymous A published on 04/08/2015 following an order from 20/07/2015
conforme à mes attentes, je connais déjà ce produit
Anonymous A published on 28/07/2015 following an order from 13/07/2015
Très bon prix
Anonymous A published on 27/07/2015 following an order from 15/07/2015
Excellent !!!
Anonymous A published on 27/07/2015 following an order from 15/07/2015
bon produit, efficace après 48h, moins efficace pour les tiques à retirer rapidement
Anonymous A published on 24/07/2015 following an order from 11/07/2015
Recommandé par mon vétérinaire, je n'ai pas trouvé ce produit moins cher ailleurs.
Anonymous A published on 21/07/2015 following an order from 08/07/2015
Super produit très efficace en deux jours plus rien .
Anonymous A published on 19/07/2015 following an order from 06/07/2015
La totalité des puces n'a pas encore été éliminée. j'attends la prochaine application pour voir si le produit est aussi efficace qu'espèré.
Anonymous A published on 17/07/2015 following an order from 02/07/2015
même produit que chez le vétérinaire, mais nettement meilleur marché.
Anonymous A published on 17/07/2015 following an order from 05/07/2015
tres bon produit pour nos amis les chats
Anonymous A published on 14/07/2015 following an order from 01/07/2015
Très bien pas toujours facile à appliquer correctement sur le chat
Anonymous A published on 11/07/2015 following an order from 27/06/2015
tres éfficasse
Anonymous A published on 06/07/2015 following an order from 18/06/2015
Bon produit bon prix
Anonymous A published on 03/07/2015 following an order from 19/06/2015
J'aime son efficacité !
Anonymous A published on 23/06/2015 following an order from 11/06/2015
Très bon produit beaucoup moins cher que le tarif véto !
Anonymous A published on 22/06/2015 following an order from 10/06/2015
À fait ses preuves depuis longtemps
Anonymous A published on 16/06/2015 following an order from 03/06/2015
bon produit
Anonymous A published on 16/06/2015 following an order from 02/06/2015
tres bien
Anonymous A published on 13/06/2015 following an order from 01/06/2015
c'est la première fois que j'utilise ce produit, je verrai son efficacité dans les semaines futures - sinon pour mes trois chats aucun effet secondaire - pratique d'utilisation - seul inconvénient / à d'autres marques, il faut le faire tous les mois
Anonymous A published on 12/06/2015 following an order from 16/05/2015
produit efficace
Anonymous A published on 12/06/2015 following an order from 29/05/2015
Produit très efficace. Mes chats sont enfin débarrassés des puces qu'ils avaient. Plus du tout de gratouilles intempestives ni de croutes à la tête à force de se gratter. Même si ils n'ont plus de puces, je continue de leur mettre une pipette chaque mois en entretien.
Anonymous A published on 08/06/2015 following an order from 25/05/2015
Produit efficace
Anonymous A published on 30/05/2015 following an order from 18/05/2015
Très bon produit
Anonymous A published on 24/05/2015 following an order from 11/05/2015
Anonymous A published on 23/05/2015 following an order from 28/04/2015
tres bon prix pour du frontline
Anonymous A published on 23/05/2015 following an order from 07/05/2015
Produit très efficace
Anonymous A published on 22/05/2015 following an order from 07/05/2015
Bien moins cher qu'en pharmacie et chez le vétérinaire
Anonymous A published on 18/05/2015 following an order from 01/05/2015
Anonymous A published on 17/05/2015 following an order from 05/05/2015
Des années que je l'utilise pour mes chats, parfait!
Anonymous A published on 16/05/2015 following an order from 04/05/2015
Très bon produit
Anonymous A published on 15/05/2015 following an order from 02/05/2015
bon produit je recommande
Anonymous A published on 15/05/2015 following an order from 30/04/2015
Prix bas
Anonymous A published on 27/04/2015 following an order from 12/04/2015
bon produit
Anonymous A published on 24/04/2015 following an order from 10/04/2015
indispensable pour qui possède plusieurs chats qui sortent. Dès qu'ils se grattent, hop, pipette pour tous!
Anonymous A published on 21/04/2015 following an order from 08/04/2015
Très bien
Anonymous A published on 20/04/2015 following an order from 01/04/2015
Rien à dire
Anonymous A published on 18/04/2015 following an order from 02/04/2015
produit pratique et efficace
Anonymous A published on 14/04/2015 following an order from 02/04/2015
ne dure pas assez longtemps
Anonymous A published on 13/04/2015 following an order from 28/03/2015
Très bien
Anonymous A published on 05/04/2015 following an order from 20/03/2015
je suis satisfait
Anonymous A published on 31/03/2015 following an order from 19/03/2015
Produit vraiment efficace dès le deuxième jour.
Anonymous A published on 29/03/2015 following an order from 17/03/2015
bon produit
Anonymous A published on 27/03/2015 following an order from 15/03/2015
Une valeur sûre a un prix abordable
Anonymous A published on 22/03/2015 following an order from 09/03/2015
Produit de bonne qualité au meilleur prix
Anonymous A published on 21/03/2015 following an order from 09/03/2015
Anonymous A published on 17/03/2015 following an order from 05/03/2015
Anonymous A published on 17/03/2015 following an order from 04/03/2015
Anonymous A published on 16/03/2015 following an order from 04/03/2015
Produit conforme
Anonymous A published on 16/03/2015 following an order from 03/03/2015
Produits conforme à la commande
Anonymous A published on 15/03/2015 following an order from 02/03/2015
Les date de péremption est longue : valable plus de 2 ans). Tous les mois je mets à mes 3 chats une pipette de Frontline combo et nous sommes débarrassés des puces (enfin mes chats).
Anonymous A published on 13/03/2015 following an order from 27/02/2015
très satisfaite
Anonymous A published on 09/03/2015 following an order from 25/02/2015
correspond à mes attentes
Anonymous A published on 03/03/2015 following an order from 19/02/2015
C'est le produit attendu. Parfait
Anonymous A published on 02/03/2015 following an order from 18/02/2015
Je connais déjà ce produit et correspond à mes attentes, je recommande !
Anonymous A published on 25/02/2015 following an order from 12/02/2015
Très efficace
Anonymous A published on 23/02/2015 following an order from 10/02/2015
Bon produit mais il reste cher
Anonymous A published on 21/02/2015 following an order from 08/02/2015
ok ok
Anonymous A published on 17/02/2015 following an order from 20/01/2015
Produit que je connaissais, conforme à ce que j'attendais. Prix intéressant.
Anonymous A published on 16/02/2015 following an order from 31/01/2015
Anonymous A published on 15/02/2015 following an order from 01/02/2015
des produits vétérinaire à prix discount
Anonymous A published on 13/02/2015 following an order from 01/02/2015
Parfait ! tarif 30% moins cher qu'à la pharmacie ou chez le vétérinaire !
Anonymous A published on 13/02/2015 following an order from 30/01/2015
Le produit quant à lui est correct, les pipettes de la boite n'ont pas soufferts heureusement.
Anonymous A published on 13/02/2015 following an order from 01/02/2015
Produit efficace
Anonymous A published on 07/02/2015 following an order from 26/01/2015
produit efficace pour les chats
Anonymous A published on 01/02/2015 following an order from 19/01/2015
Anonymous A published on 30/01/2015 following an order from 17/01/2015
Très bon produit pour nos animaux de compagnie à un prix très modique.
Anonymous A published on 30/01/2015 following an order from 14/01/2015
Le MEILLEUR des produit antiparasitaires pour les chats, je recommande vivement ce produit, malgré son prix assez élevé, j’insiste donc les acheteurs à l'acheter via ce site plutôt que chez le veterinaire ou son prix double facilement.
Anonymous A published on 27/01/2015 following an order from 12/01/2015
produit efficcace
Anonymous A published on 27/01/2015 following an order from 04/01/2015
Produit conforme. RAS
Anonymous A published on 25/01/2015 following an order from 09/01/2015
Très bon produit
Anonymous A published on 24/01/2015 following an order from 12/01/2015
Produits moins cher que chez les vétérinaires
Anonymous A published on 24/01/2015 following an order from 11/01/2015
C'est un Très bon produit.
Anonymous A published on 23/01/2015 following an order from 10/01/2015
Prix très intéressant. Livraison rapide.
Anonymous A published on 20/01/2015 following an order from 05/01/2015
produit déjà utilisé auparavant . parfait
Anonymous A published on 19/01/2015 following an order from 06/01/2015
Une étoile de moins à chaque achat au vu de la résistance grandissante des puces aux principes actifs de ce produit. Dans moins d'un an je pense que l'efficacité deviendra nulle.
Anonymous A published on 19/01/2015 following an order from 07/01/2015
Excellent résultat sur mes chats
Anonymous A published on 18/01/2015 following an order from 06/01/2015
Anonymous A published on 18/01/2015 following an order from 05/01/2015
tres efficace
Anonymous A published on 17/01/2015 following an order from 02/01/2015
Anonymous A published on 16/01/2015 following an order from 03/01/2015
très bon produit je n ai pas a m en plaindre
Anonymous A published on 04/01/2015 following an order from 23/12/2014
Je connaissais déjà donc pas de surprise. C'est un bon produit.
Anonymous A published on 19/12/2014 following an order from 07/12/2014
bon produit efficace
Anonymous A published on 19/12/2014 following an order from 07/12/2014
exellent rapport qualité -prix,je le recommande a tout les maîtres chats
Anonymous A published on 08/12/2014 following an order from 26/11/2014
efficace et pratique
Anonymous A published on 08/12/2014 following an order from 26/11/2014
je connaissais déjà ce produit
Anonymous A published on 02/12/2014 following an order from 19/11/2014
Produit conforme.Je le connais.
Anonymous A published on 28/11/2014 following an order from 14/11/2014
Je n'ai pas encore testé ce produit sur mon chat
Anonymous A published on 22/11/2014 following an order from 02/11/2014
10 (mais pas de mérite, produit que je connais)
Anonymous A published on 21/11/2014 following an order from 08/11/2014
Anonymous A published on 21/11/2014 following an order from 07/11/2014
Produit correspondant bien à celui que l'on trouve dans le commerce mais avec un tarif préférentiel.
Anonymous A published on 19/11/2014 following an order from 07/11/2014
Anonymous A published on 19/11/2014 following an order from 06/11/2014
bon produit pour se débarrasser des puces.
Anonymous A published on 18/11/2014 following an order from 06/11/2014
Qu il n y a rien d aussi efficace
Anonymous A published on 17/11/2014 following an order from 05/11/2014
bon produit
Anonymous A published on 17/11/2014 following an order from 05/11/2014
Anonymous A published on 16/11/2014 following an order from 03/11/2014
Cest un produit très efficace contre les puces.
Anonymous A published on 14/11/2014 following an order from 02/11/2014
pipettes mis sur le chat apres 4 jours toujours autant de puces ,visite chez veterinaire, beaucoup plus couteux mais plus de puces contrefacons ?????
Anonymous A published on 14/11/2014 following an order from 02/11/2014
Anonymous A published on 10/11/2014 following an order from 28/10/2014
J'utilise ce produit régulièrement. Le prix est intéressant pour moi car j'ai 4 chats.
Anonymous A published on 09/11/2014 following an order from 27/10/2014
Anonymous A published on 07/11/2014 following an order from 26/10/2014
Bien !!
Anonymous A published on 04/11/2014 following an order from 23/10/2014
Produit efficace et bien accepté par mes chats
Anonymous A published on 28/10/2014 following an order from 16/10/2014
Anonymous A published on 27/10/2014 following an order from 14/10/2014
Produit qui a fait toutes ses preuve chez mes 2 chats.
Anonymous A published on 26/10/2014 following an order from 29/09/2014
excellent produit, qui vaut bien son prix.
Anonymous A published on 26/10/2014 following an order from 12/10/2014
après avoir traité mes 2 chatons ... invasion de puces ... je ne blame pas le site mais le produit ...
Anonymous A published on 21/10/2014 following an order from 08/10/2014
Parfait. Et le prix est vraiment intéressant
Anonymous A published on 18/10/2014 following an order from 06/10/2014
Anonymous A published on 17/10/2014 following an order from 05/10/2014
Anonymous A published on 17/10/2014 following an order from 04/10/2014
Produit efficace
Anonymous A published on 17/10/2014 following an order from 04/10/2014
Tres satisfaite
Anonymous A published on 17/10/2014 following an order from 04/10/2014
Ras il n'y a pas plus efficace!!!
Anonymous A published on 15/10/2014 following an order from 03/10/2014
Tres bon produit, efficace.
Anonymous A published on 14/10/2014 following an order from 01/10/2014
Très efficace et très bien toléré par mes deux chats
Anonymous A published on 11/10/2014 following an order from 29/09/2014
j utilise ce produit depuis de nombreuses annees pas de souci pour mon chat parfait
Anonymous A published on 11/10/2014 following an order from 28/09/2014
For me it's the best product, we use it each month.
Anonymous A published on 11/10/2014 following an order from 29/09/2014
Très satisfaite du produit
Anonymous A published on 10/10/2014 following an order from 26/09/2014
Un ^produit que je connais
Anonymous A published on 05/10/2014 following an order from 23/09/2014
Produit très efficace
Anonymous A published on 05/10/2014 following an order from 22/09/2014
Produit très efficace avec large spectre à renouveler impérativement tous les mois.
Anonymous A published on 04/10/2014 following an order from 22/09/2014
Bon produit
Anonymous A published on 03/10/2014 following an order from 21/09/2014
très bien pour les puces, mais les tiques résistent quand même
Anonymous A published on 01/10/2014 following an order from 08/09/2014
très bien et économique par 6
Anonymous A published on 29/09/2014 following an order from 17/09/2014
Pas moins cher sur le marché et le plus efficace
Anonymous A published on 28/09/2014 following an order from 15/09/2014
tres efficase
Anonymous A published on 27/09/2014 following an order from 15/09/2014
produit vétérinaire efficace
Anonymous A published on 22/09/2014 following an order from 06/09/2014
Très bon produit
Anonymous A published on 20/09/2014 following an order from 08/09/2014
produit très efficace que j'utilise depuis des années pour mes chats
Anonymous A published on 20/09/2014 following an order from 06/09/2014
Anonymous A published on 17/09/2014 following an order from 04/09/2014
ce sont les plus efficaces
Anonymous A published on 16/09/2014 following an order from 04/09/2014
Anonymous A published on 16/09/2014 following an order from 02/09/2014
très bien
Anonymous A published on 16/09/2014 following an order from 30/08/2014
j'utilise réguliérement frontline mais cette année je suis un peu deçu par ce produis , car mon chat à eu quand meme des puces!!
Anonymous A published on 15/09/2014 following an order from 30/08/2014
Très bien
Anonymous A published on 13/09/2014 following an order from 01/09/2014
Anonymous A published on 13/09/2014 following an order from 01/09/2014
Produit que j'utilise depuis un certain temps avec satisfaction. Mais ne risque t'il pas d'y avoir une certaines accoutumances des parasites ? La période actuelle est propice aux puces en particulier.
Anonymous A published on 13/09/2014 following an order from 31/08/2014
Anonymous A published on 13/09/2014 following an order from 01/09/2014
Service déplorable conseiller déplorable
Anonymous A published on 07/09/2014 following an order from 25/08/2014
Très bon produit
Anonymous A published on 01/09/2014 following an order from 19/08/2014
tres bon produit et on a rapidement les produits
Anonymous A published on 30/08/2014 following an order from 13/08/2014
très bon prix par rapport au supermarché!
Anonymous A published on 26/08/2014 following an order from 04/08/2014
Anonymous A published on 25/08/2014 following an order from 02/08/2014
Très bien, recommandées par le véto
Anonymous A published on 24/08/2014 following an order from 11/08/2014
produit très efficace et prix compétitif (ne pas profiter de ces éloges pour augmenter le tarif.....RIRES)
Anonymous A published on 24/08/2014 following an order from 12/08/2014
Efficace et pratique et en plus en promo
Anonymous A published on 18/08/2014 following an order from 06/08/2014
Anonymous A published on 18/08/2014 following an order from 05/08/2014
très efficace
Anonymous A published on 18/08/2014 following an order from 04/08/2014
très bien
Anonymous A published on 18/08/2014 following an order from 04/08/2014
Tres bien
Anonymous A published on 17/08/2014 following an order from 05/08/2014
Connais déjà le produit; rien à dire
Anonymous A published on 17/08/2014 following an order from 04/08/2014
Anonymous A published on 17/08/2014 following an order from 04/08/2014
Anonymous A published on 17/08/2014 following an order from 05/08/2014
nickel !
Anonymous A published on 14/08/2014 following an order from 29/07/2014
produit conforme à mes attentes...... plus de puces sur mes chats et pas de réaction allergique,très bien toléré...
Anonymous A published on 10/08/2014 following an order from 29/07/2014
très bon produit facile à utiliser et très efficace
Anonymous A published on 10/08/2014 following an order from 28/07/2014
Deux fois moins cher que chez le veto et même produit
Anonymous A published on 09/08/2014 following an order from 28/07/2014
Anonymous A published on 04/08/2014 following an order from 22/07/2014
produits conseillé par le vétérinaire, RAS
Anonymous A published on 04/08/2014 following an order from 03/06/2014
prix très correct, livré rapidement
Anonymous A published on 03/08/2014 following an order from 22/07/2014
produits efficaces et faciles à donner
Anonymous A published on 02/08/2014 following an order from 18/07/2014
très bons produits, c'est toujours ceux que j'utiilise pour mon chien et mes deux chats
Anonymous A published on 30/07/2014 following an order from 05/06/2014
Anonymous A published on 30/07/2014 following an order from 26/05/2014
trés bien
Anonymous A published on 29/07/2014 following an order from 17/07/2014
Très bon produit, plus de puces.
Anonymous A published on 28/07/2014 following an order from 03/07/2014
Le produit est bien
Anonymous A published on 28/07/2014 following an order from 15/07/2014
Produit très bien pour les tiques sur les chats mais par contre les puces deviennent très coriaces même avec ce produit
Anonymous A published on 27/07/2014 following an order from 01/07/2014
très bien
Anonymous A published on 27/07/2014 following an order from 26/06/2014
pipette utilisée sur un gros chat, 2 semaines apres , encore quelques puces et oeufs. J en utlise une autre, il n est pas specifié , une pipette pour quel poids de l animal.pas de tique trouvée
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 31/05/2014
J'adore ce produit efficace sur l'animal et dans la maison
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 04/07/2014
tres bon produit
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 25/05/2014
Très bon produit, prix discount
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 14/06/2014
Le seul qui marche
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 09/07/2014
produit efficace et facile a utiliser
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 15/06/2014
très bien
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 29/06/2014
Il semblerait que ce produit ait perdu de son efficacité dans le temps...
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 22/05/2014
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 03/07/2014
assez efficace
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 03/06/2014
produit facile a utiliser mais son efficacité insatisfaisante
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 06/07/2014
Très efficace
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 02/06/2014
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 04/07/2014
toujours aussi bien acceptée par nos chats et efficacité prouvée
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 02/07/2014
Prix très interessant
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 01/05/2014
Le meilleur anti puce chat sur le marché
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 06/07/2014
Tresnbien, merci
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 29/05/2014
bon produit facile à mettre
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 29/04/2014
Pratique, efficace, un peu onéreux
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 07/07/2014
Excellent produit pour mes chats
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 02/05/2014
bon produit et facile à appliquer sur mes chats
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 30/04/2014
Très bon prpduit
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 29/06/2014
Produit efficace pour mes chats
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 05/06/2014
Protection de base
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 25/06/2014
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 10/07/2014
Anonymous A published on 26/07/2014 following an order from 30/04/2014
Très bien.
Anonymous A published on 30/06/2014 following an order from 15/04/2014
efficace et facile à mettre
Anonymous A published on 28/06/2014 following an order from 24/03/2014
produit recommandé par le véto
Anonymous A published on 27/06/2014 following an order from 02/04/2014
Très efficace.
Anonymous A published on 27/06/2014 following an order from 27/03/2014
très bon produit
Anonymous A published on 27/06/2014 following an order from 11/02/2014
habituée à ce produit
Anonymous A published on 27/06/2014 following an order from 28/01/2014
Indispensable pour mon chat qui ne veut pas avaler de comprimés.
Anonymous A published on 27/06/2014 following an order from 22/02/2014
Très efficace
Anonymous A published on 26/06/2014 following an order from 18/03/2014
bon produit
Anonymous A published on 26/06/2014 following an order from 27/03/2014
très bien
Anonymous A published on 26/06/2014 following an order from 27/02/2014
Ma chatte de 17 ans ne connait pas les puces !!!
Anonymous A published on 26/06/2014 following an order from 26/02/2014
Produit conforme à ma commande et répondant aux attentes respectives de mon chat et de moi-même.
Anonymous A published on 26/06/2014 following an order from 11/04/2014
efficace mais plus cher que les produits concurrents
Anonymous A published on 26/06/2014 following an order from 31/03/2014
bon produit facile a appliquer
Anonymous A published on 26/06/2014 following an order from 02/02/2014
tres bon
Anonymous A published on 26/06/2014 following an order from 29/03/2014
valeur sure, efficace pous les puces, facile d utilisation
Anonymous A published on 26/06/2014 following an order from 04/04/2014
Produit très efficace. Mon chat n'a jamais de puces ni tiques.
Anonymous A published on 26/06/2014 following an order from 26/02/2014
Envoi rapide
Anonymous A published on 26/06/2014 following an order from 16/03/2014
c'est ce que j'ai trouvé de mieux contre les puces
Anonymous A published on 26/06/2014 following an order from 27/04/2014
une très bonne protection
Anonymous A published on 26/06/2014 following an order from 24/04/2014
très bon produit
Anonymous A published on 26/06/2014 following an order from 09/04/2014
Anonymous A published on 26/06/2014 following an order from 15/02/2014
facile a administrer en pipettes
Anonymous A published on 26/06/2014 following an order from 29/01/2014
je l'utilise depuis le début chez mon chat, cela ne l'empêche pas d'avoir des tiques.
Anonymous A published on 26/06/2014 following an order from 07/02/2014
Front lien n'est plus aussi efficace qu'avant